Tuesday, June 19, 2012

FDA warned the imported shellfishes from Korea

FDA, Food and Drug Administration, importantly warns that the all imported shellfishes from Korea should be replaced from the U.S market due to the low quality of sanitation and maintenance of food products. The FDA figured out some point why they should be removed from the U.S market for the nations' health consideration and safety.

I agree with FDA's decision with Korean imported food products, especially raw foods, such as meats, vegetables, fishes, etc. because both Korean beef and pork are contaminated with diseases and pollution, the seafood is under-qualified to eat. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Growing Prostitution in the U.S

Many Korean mentions they were enforced to be the sex worker especially during WWII. But they are willing to be the sex worker everywhere at the contemporary time. U.S government and other advanced countries, including Japan should rethink about how to treat the Korean prostitution.