Sunday, November 6, 2011

Awaken From The Sleeping Sheep

Many Japanese living in all over Japan had a demonstration against the Japanese Democratic Party, JDP, and 2 particular anti-Japanese countries, particularly China and Korea today, Nov 6, 2011. Approximately 500 people attended at the demonstration like the last time having in the last Oct. They raised their voice for protecting their properties and job opportunities, defending themselves from anti-Japanese nationalism such as the Korean and Chinese, and showing their dignities for their own country. The demonstration was as impressive as another one, "Occupy Cities in U.S," but the Japanese mainstream media, like Fuji-TV, Asahi-, Mainichi-, and Yomiuri-newspapers, would not journal the incidence because they want to hide it away from the facts in Japan.

Here is the picture of the last demonstration. People were not only yelling at Korean and Chinese, but they also wore funny costumes for the Halloween event in Oct. This is good and funny because the Japanese showed their dignity for their country by having the Japanese flags but they also accepted the western culture by wearing the Halloween costumes. Although, unfortunately, they refuse TPP as the unfair international economic trade brought by the U.S because they hope to have more job opportunities in Japan, they felt thankful with the U.S military for the operation, "Tomodachi." In their opinion, the Japanese are welcome with the fair and healthy relationship with the U.S but they refuse any unfair trade brought by a foreign country, including the U.S. They want be just fair with their friendships.

And I brought the design at the demonstration today.  I could not upload any other picture of the demonstration cause today as I forgot to take any of it even if I walked with them. However other person upload the live video of the demonstration with their computer. They actually walked with the computer and took some video clips while walking around. I was enough to shy to be shown on the computer videotaping the demonstration but if any of people could notice my design below on the video, I would be glad to know it.

Detox Japan.

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