Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Korean's Hate Crime Targeting Against The Japanese In Japan

Title: ”I wanted to murder as many Japanese as I found," said the Korean suspect in Osaka.

May 22, 2013

The Osaka police department announced that the 31 years old Korean suspect, 田仲桂善, who attempted to murdered two innocent elders around 60 years old by stubbing them, said, "I wanted to murder as the many Japanese as I found." Osaka police department established the special investigation team to investigate the details of his criminal implement and conspiracy as the random murdering case, [particularly against the Japanese as his targets.]

According to the Osaka Police Department, the victim of this case were Shuichi Kwaguchi, 61 years old newspaper deliverer, and Michiko Koechi, 63 years old janitor at buildings in Imazato. Both victims are deadly stabbed at many points on their body by the cruel murder in cold blood, such as the stomach and back.

The [Korean] suspect assaulted Kawaguchi at the first floor in the middle of his work as the newspaper deliverer. After stabbing Kawaguchi and leaving 15 meter  from the first crime, he attacked Kechi on the way of her work place.

The suspect said, "I wanted to murder as the many Japanese as I found," at the police investigation after arrested. He intentionally asked Koechi, "Are you Japanese?" at the deadly assault. Osaka Department of Police needs more careful investigation for his murderous case.

Title: "I don't want to have the Japanese as my defense," said the Korean suspect.

Jun 12, 2013

In May 2013, the Police Department of Osaka re-arrested the 31 years old Korean man, who had assaulted the two innocent Japanese on a road, for deadly stubbing one of them, Shuichi Kawaguchi, 61 years old newspaper delivery man. The Korean suspect has been shutting his mouth since his first arrest.

According to the Police Department of Osaka, the Korean suspect delusively continuously said, "the invisible man came into me," at the investigation, but he insisted, "I don't want to have the Japanese as my defense," at the time of calling the defense for him.

The Osaka public prosecutor detained him to judge whether he is responsible for the deadly stubbing crime, or not.

The Police Department of Osaka decided to rearrest the Korean suspect for the intentionally fiercely murdering conspiracy case against the innocent 61 yeas old Japanese newspaper delivery man with the 12 centimeter long fruit knife.

On the other hand, Osaka public prosecutor decided to keep him in the suspicion of the other murderous stabbing case of Michiko Koechi, a 63 years old building janitor, on June 12.

Citation:, 「日本人なら何人も殺そうと思った」逮捕の男が供述 府警が捜査本部設置, May 22, 2013., 「日本人の弁護人イヤ」殺人未遂容疑で韓国籍の無職男を再逮捕 大阪・生野の通り魔事件, Jun 12, 2013.

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