Saturday, February 23, 2013

Korea's Political Failure

Hiroshi Furuta, Professor at Tukuba Graduate University, "Korea's political failure of selfish invasion on Takeshima as its sanctuary.

The East Asia peninsular was a buffer zone between bipolar ideological forces, Communism and Liberalism, during the cold war. The North and South Koreas have been attacking each other over their ideology and belief as their agents, while the two major ideological forces have intendedly been avoiding the war crisis. Even if their avoidance of the war, North and South Koreas never stopped their military attacks over decodes after the end of the cold war. The rest of countries have been taking a skeptical eyes on the trouble spot behind their dispute.

A Possible Apoptosis Of The North Den.

That the two racially-monogeneous countries, North and South Koreas, attempted to be independent from their ideologically supportive countries led a complex problem beyond the dispute between the ideological different countries. North Korea strengthened the military force by specializing the missile weapon including the nuclear one, compared to South Korea which focused on the economic development with foreign currencies.

As the result of their strategies based on their ideological different backgrounds, North Korea fell into the Chinese economic colony. It could not borrow the currency and produce any sale products to maintain the domestic economic cycle. Indeed, the United State have been keeping aiming at China with the military arms, such as missiles and nuclear weapons. Literally, North Korea was worse than worthless as the buffer zone. Now the surrounding countries of both Koreas started considering any possible points to end the self-centered aggressive war promoting country, particularly North Korea.

On the other hand, South Korea, the country highly depended on the foreign currency and their major economic power led by the foreign countries. The export accounts for over the half of its Gross Domestic Product, at the same time, its most profit from their economic flooded into the foreign funds. Consequently, South Korea needed to borrow more money from the United State in order to sell its products to China. Although it had had a ideal figure to be a political balancer between the United State and China, South Korea was ironically the single buffer zone country which can cause the political disturbance by reaching to both sides for their own profit.

In order to play a important role as a buffer zone, South Korea needed to improve the international trade, especially with its most important economic partner, China. But it failed to sustain its economical goal to maintain the depreciation of the Korean currency  when Japanese Yen stopped appreciating by the new Japanese government led by Abe. It meant the global customer could buy a Japanese product at a cheaper price during the depreciation of the Japanese Yen.

In addition of the price change, the United State have decrease the number of the military staying in South Korea base since 10 years ago. South Korea demanded the United State to delay the United State's right to command the Korean military to the end of 2015, but the withdrawal  of the U.S military was ongoing. Instead of the withdrawal, the U.S allowed Korea to extend the missile duration to 800 kilometer as the agreement between the U.S and Korea.

No Help, Education, Interference To The South

Now South Korea may strengthen the relationship with China after the complete construction of the naval base on the island in their local region, if the international trade between Korea and China improves as the U.S military becomes unsecured. South Korea is now unsteady at its position because it is always watching to be rather the balancer than the buffer zone.

Here is a big mistake for South Korea. As long as the country keeps exaggerating its presence and its political position, South Korea would be a big troublesome country in the whole East Asia countries, including the defense of Japan. South Korea must know its true political position and its allies, either the United State or China.

Therefore Japan should remain South Korea being at the position of the buffer zone. Now Japan should start to tell the Korean that Japan should neither help any situation of South Korea, teach what to do if South Korea is in trouble, nor interfering anything happens in South Korea in order to make South Korea understand its true political position. Do not help South Korea from any economic loss. Do not teach South Korea any technology. Of course do not interfere any historical issue between South Korea and Japan.

The self-centred country, South Korea, has problems they need to solve immediately. The monopoly groups own approximately 70 percent of GDP. The Korean electric manufacturing company owns 22 percent of the groups' GDP. It is a complete feudal system. The amount of Its aggregate household debt reaches as the same as 80 percent of its GDP.

The New Korean President May Not Turn Into The Enemy

Because of its unchangeable feudal system,  OECD shows South Korea as the most suicidal country beyond other countries although the new South Korean president's slogan, "I will make this country happy."

The surrounding countries of South Korea demand both no exaggerated political action and economic sustainability. The new Korean president may be proper at this position. At this point, all political leaders in East Asia is focusing on their domestic stability by choosing good boys and girls, the second generation, of the former political leaders.  China, South Korea, Shinzo Abe in Japan, and North Korea. The North Korean political leader acts like a child as a leader of a country. Because she is the "good girl," she may not be hyper exaggerated to invade the Japanese territory that can make the Japanese its enemy.

February 22 is the date for Takeshima, Takeshima Day.

Compared to North Korea has its ethnic sanctuary where China has been disputing the territory,  South Korea has had no specific one for a long time. However it invaded into the Japanese island, Takeshima, and selfishly renamed it for their benefit. South Korea often intentionally thieves everything by lying at whatever they want, especially from Japan.


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